Monday, February 14, 2011

Free Hula Lessons for Kids


Did you know that February is International Friensdhip Month? At Akala Dance Studio, here in Hawaii we are celebrating International Friendship Month all month long. 

In honor of this special month, we would like to honor what the true spirit of Aloha is by sharing what we love, our love of dance with you our friends. To celebrate, we are offering a  FREE DANCE CLASS to anyone who comes to one of our dance classes and BRINGS A FRIEND. You can call Sanoe at 808-206-2300 to find out about locations and class schedules. 

(You have to say Aunty Bambi sent you, so they know your class is FREE.)

If you watch the youtube video above, you will see the girls of Akala Dance Studio perform to Little Grass Shack, which is a very popular song in Hawaii. The girls look like they are having so much fun, and you can tell that they really love what they are doing. 

The kids who come to this studio, they really become like family. They have so much fun every week getting to dance with their fellow Hula Sisters. 

The bond you have when you share something you love, it never goes away. I can speak from experience. I have my own Hula Sister who I used to dance with when I was a child. I am now 30 years old, and when I see my Hula Sister, we are still just like family. :)

When you have something you love, you want to share it with everybody. 

I love to dance. I love to teach, and I love to share that love of dance with everyone who comes to Akala Dance Studio. 

So bring a friend all month, and get a FREE DANCE CLASS. Tell your neighbors, tell your friends, Aunties, Uncles, Cousins, Brothers and Sisters. Together we can celebrate International Friendship Month. See you at the studio. 

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